Ever feel like you head is spinning? Ever feel like your mental to do list is literally going to make you brain explode? Ever just feel like it’s all too hard, or too much? Well if you answered yes to even one of these questions then believe me you are not alone, and this is the post for you!

Sometimes our minds are so full of clutter that we feel like we are on brain overload, and as Birds of Tokyo say in their song lyrics “I don’t know which way I’m supposed to spin in this circle“. But there are some ways to begin decluttering our minds. In many ways it is just like having a cluttered home or work space, it can make us feel overwhelmed, swamped and stressed. Our mind is no different, if we want clear focus then we need to have some space left for clear and rational thought.

So here are my top tips to decluttering your mind!

  1. Get worrying thoughts out! Talk to someone, tell them what is one your mind. Keeping negative thoughts in will lead to an unavoidable explosion, that is no good for anyone! Grab a notepad and brain dump on paper! What do I mean? I mean just write without thinking. No one will read it so no need to sensor it or worry about grammar. Just get it all out! If you are not a writer just use random words, or draw pictures.
  2. Know yourself. Get to know the things that matter to you, and things that don’t. Make a list of a few top priorities in your life! It may be things like family, career, self care, travel, mindful living, running a marathon, etc. Once you have chosen 3 or 4 things that matter most each time you have an opportunity presented to you base your choice on whether or not it improves your life and fits with your priorities. For example if you 3 main things are family, self care and writing, and you get asked to take a promotion that means all your time will be taken up with overtime hours, work travel and little time to yourself, that may not fit with your priorities, so it is easier to say no. Whereas if your top priority was career growth you would say yes. Knowing what matters most and what doesn’t matter really helps you sort through life decisions easier.
  3. Don’t go against your gut. We can all feel nervous when new opportunities present themselves, but don’t confuse a few nerves for a bad instinct. If you have a gut instinct that is strongly telling you something isn’t right then it probably isn’t. If you have a really positive gut feeling it is more likely to be something that will make you happy. Listen to your own intuition. If you don’t feel comfortable saying yes, then just say no.
  4. Breathe! Sometimes you just need to stop! With all these spinning thoughts you can feel so overwhelmed that you forget to stop and just be mindful of what is going on inside yourself and around you. Take a few minutes and try this . . . take 3 deep breaths and place your hands on your stomach. Return to normal breathing and feel your hands rise and fall on your tummy. Do this for a minute or two. Once you have done this you can get back to work with a fresh, clear mind.

Do you have any tips to share? Please add any thoughts you may have in my comment section below. I hope you take some time to try these next time you are feeling overwhelmed. Remember you matter!

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Thanks for reading, Kylie xx