Have you ever just gone into a store and found a few bargains you simply can’t pass up, only to wind up at the register with a bill a little larger than you anticipated…….. ?(Or a lot larger, oops me)!

I mean seriously a bargain top here, a bargain dress there, and an ‘oh my gosh’ (or something not so lady like), running through your brain as you swipe, or tap the credit card!! How did that happen?????

Today I was feeling a little low and a quick dash to the shops later, my pick me up was complete!

It’s funny now though, (not funny ha ha), how then the guilts set it, did I really need that stuff? Um, um, um, well let’s just say yes, I mean it will come in handy, and it’s all practical everyday stuff, and it was all on sale, well okay, almost all on sale. Funny how we justify these things, but no point beating myself up!

The truth is there is usually, pretty much always a better way to “feel better” than shopping! Like

  • chatting to a friend
  • going for a walk (swim, or just exercise in general)
  • reading a good book
  • getting fresh air
  • meditation
  • watching a funny movie
  • hugs

At least those I wouldn’t feel guilty about afterwards! But like I said no point beating ourselves up!

(You may want to read my post about “Finding REAL happiness, if you don’t want to break the bank.)

Wish me luck with telling hubby before he see’s the statement, I might tell him whilst wearing the cute little black dress (it is practical I promise) that I brought, then he’ll have to be happy.

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx


Want to adopt some happier, healthier life habits? Check out my latest post “Habits to Adopt for a Happier 2017!”

See my most popular 2016 Posts HERE  or my most popular Instagram Pics HERE 

PS: Thanks to my mini model (my daughter April) for letting me take her photo with my shopping bags. 

Hey Bloggers! My #mg Link Up will return on Feb 6th, so pop it in your blogging calenders 

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