We talk about people being brave and courageous because they put themselves in dangerous situations that we could never picture putting ourselves in. We talk about them as if they are somehow beyond human, lacking the basic fears that we possess. We associate a person who is brave as not being scared, yet how many times have you seen someone being called a hero, only to say that they just did what anyone else would have done? They downplay their bravery, is that because they don’t want to appear egotistical? In most cases no, the truth is they don’t see themselves as being braver than anyone else.

We are all different and have different levels of fear, we can certainly react differently than others in the face of danger, however we wrongly believe that because we are afraid we are weak. We wrongly believe that courageous people lack fear.

Courage is not the absence of fear, it is having that fear, acknowledging it, analysing it and ultimately realising that having fears is a very normal part of life. Courage is realising that you will not let fear hold you back, that instead you can utilise your fear to propel you forward and do what needs to be done in order to be the person you truly want to be.

For me some of the most courageous people I know are the ones that face every day battles. Maybe they’re not running into burning buildings, but they are standing strong despite devastating illnesses, chronic conditions, trying to raise children on low incomes, seeking counselling for mental health issues, leaving abusive relationships, standing up for themselves despite being bullied. People like these I have mentioned are often seen as having weak personalities, if you earn little money, or have a mental health condition you can be so harshly judged for not being good enough or brave enough, in fact I think we have too often got that backwards, I think you are stronger and braver than many people will ever know! Everyday you fight, and I think you are truly heroes.

Next time you go to judge someone for being weak, just think, what if that was you?

Next time you go to say that you are weak, please don’t.

Next time you think you are not brave enough, correct yourself! You are braver than you know!

Keep fighting for you!

Mac xx