What a seriously great way to think! I love it, the whole “Lego movie” theme song, have you stopped and listened to the lyrics, I love the message of ‘working as a team’ in life, and ‘living out your dreams,’ how that makes everything ‘cool’. Is it ‘cool’ for a 38 year old to use the word ‘cool’ or even ‘awesome,’ or would the younger generation think I’m embarrassing myself? Am I being lame? What is the lingo these days? Lame, is that even a word? Anyway, I am totally getting off track, (not unusual for me,) my point is I think it’s an important message for our children, the whole ‘being part of a team’.

I am not meaning like a football team, or whatever, I am talking about society as a whole. Don’t misunderstand me, I am all for individuality, being true to who we are, our ‘gifts’, and striving for our individual best, I just don’t believe we need to step on others to do that. If we are offered a part in a school play over someone else, of course you take it, a promotion, without a doubt, and we should be proud of ourselves for our achievements! What I am suggesting is we can still be good to others along our way to individual successes.

So many things these days are all about ME, ME, ME, but the truth is we are part of a whole world of people, we are all important, we all matter. Is happiness really about having the best? Or is it more about doing our best to be the best person we can be! To me personally, I don’t feel we can be the best we can be if we have to put down others in order to feel better about ourselves! If we have to gossip about the ‘popular people’ behind their backs, so we can feel happy, or publish photos of celebrities with cellulite in order to feel beautiful in our own skin then we are not being our best.

How about we actually be nice to each other? What?!!! Yes seriously, what if as a society we work as a ‘team’, our mission to support each other, to see the best in each other! What if we didn’t gossip in front of our children (they really are listening,) or read trashy magazines, or put down people’s beliefs, what if we believed we could feel good about ourselves without stepping on others? If we stopped putting people down and judging pope for being unique, and we taught our children accept others now that would be awesome!

I think many of us already do that, and I am not saying we can never slip up and accidentally laugh at someone elses expense, (it happens, that’s why funny home videos was a huge success,) but we could try a little everyday, really just a little, to be considerate of others, couldn’t we?

OK, so let’s set ourselves a challenge for today (or tomorrow if it’s night time right now for you,) here it is,


  • give someone, anyone a sincere compliment.
  • show kindness to someone and don’t expect something in return.

What I mean by this is, really look at someone today and think about them, what is it that is likeable about them? What could you say that is NICE and completely HONEST?

Perhaps it’s a work colleague who is always helpful, or a sales assistant who went out of their way to help you find something in a store, a barista who always remembers your order, a friend who always listens. If you look around and really see people, you will see there are a lot of people who do go out of their way to be thoughtful, thank them for that, smile and wave at the driver who lets you cut in. So that’s my challenge, if you choose to accept.

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx

I would love to hear from you if you take up the challenge and give someone a compliment today, so feel free to leave me a comment below!