The other day I was feeling grumpy, I was not feeling well and had received some news that had upset me, I was feeling impatient and low. I was waiting for Adam to get a bowl out and he was taking forever chatting away about I don’t know what as 7 year olds do. I repeated to him “will you just get the bowl out”, he did and he put the bowl on the kitchen counter. He looked up at me with those big blue eyes and then asked “mummy why did you need to yell at me to get the bowl?” I suddenly realised he was right I had raised my voice and not because he was taking his time, but because I was having a bad day and feeling impatient. I answered “oh I didn’t mean to, sorry, mummy is just not feeling well and I am a bit grumpy.” I am not sure how much sense that made to him, but he accepted that and moved on in his own little world. The thing is when we are grumpy we act in ways that we normally wouldn’t, and ways we are not proud of.

I was holding onto upset and what I needed to do was talk about my feelings with someone I trusted to listen, and to be supportive. Holding my feelings in was not only affecting me, but also affecting those around me.

Some moments are a wake up call. There is no denying we have the right to have bad moments in life, to feel down, to be angry, to grieve, and to have moments as a parent that are utterly exhausting, but we need to recognise when it is all getting a bit much! We need to say

“hang on a minute, I need help”

We often want to do things on our own, to be invincible! We want to be the super hero parent that we foolishly believe every other parent is. But guess what, we all struggle, that’s right, mums, dads, friends, the Queen, the woman at work who always looks immaculate, they all have moments where they need help. We somehow feel we are the only one’s loosing our mind, yelling at our child, longing for our newborn to sleep, or our Toddler to stop throwing a tantrum, getting mad because our puppy peed is the house, or frustrated that our partner doesn’t seem to be listening! You are not alone, we all experience this stuff! It is OK to admit you are having a bad day, or month,  it is OK to admit that you need help!

Admitting we need help does not mean we are a failure, it means we are a success!!!


When we are comfortable enough in our own skin, when we are OK with saying “I am not perfect” then we are accepting ourselves, and loving ourselves. We are showing the world that we are comfortable with who we are, that we are strong enough to ask for help. When we admit that we could use some support we are saying that we are OK with making mistakes, we are OK with opening up, and we trust our friends, or family members with our truth.

Somewhere along the line we were confused into believing handling everything on our own was a strength, it made us look successful, powerful, and perfect. But being honest, accepting help when we need it is actually a strength, hiding our truth is the weakness. Letting people we trust into our truth is a gift, it is telling them we trust them and love them.

Next time you are feeling overwhelmed or sad make sure you let people in, it is truly OK to say you need support! No one expects more of you than you expect of yourself, stop being so tough on YOU!

It is always OK to be yourself, be authentic, never pretend to be something you are not, and never feel guilty for that, never apologise for being you! Celebrate it! 

Mackenzie Glanville

What do you do when you have a bad day?

Do you have any self care tips you can share?

Thanks for joining me, love Mac xx


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