OK so I can already predict that I will get a case of the dreaded disease known as Mummy Guilt” for writing this, but what the heck, I pretty much feel some ‘mummy guilt” every single day of my life anyway.

My gorgeous little boy Adam seems to have morphed into a naughty little elf lately.  He finished kindergarten this past week and is home now every day with two older sisters, and a mother to annoy! I don’t know if he is just bored because we are not as exciting as his kinder friends, or as amusing as his kinder teachers, I mean let’s face it we are not exactly sitting around in one big circle singing songs all day, or playing on the monkey bars, or providing endless crafting activities involving beads, glitter and paint, yep I guess we are pretty boring! I also tell myself “he has only just turned 5,” or “it’s normal for little boys to annoy their sisters.” OK so maybe I am just searching for excuses for his out of control behaviour, I also like to tell myself it is just because he is so intelligent and needs to to begin his primary school education, (I used to reassure myself that it was also his above average intelligence that made him a terrible sleeper when he was a baby, and also when he would never sleep in his pram when I tried to go shopping! Thanks buddy you probably saved mummy a fortune by screaming me out of the shops!) I mean us mothers have to justify our children’s behaviour somehow, agreed? I am sure I am not the only mother who takes credit for all the great things her child does and then blames the husband for all the bad, am I???

Anyway back to my naughty (intelligent) elf. He is driving me crazy, he seems to think the whole world revolves around him, and if he doesn’t get his way he has started making this weird growling noise, like a wild bear. If his sisters won’t share something he gives them this almighty dirty stare along with this growl, it’s really quite dramatic. He has also become extra clingy with me, I tried to go out the other day and he was in a fit, I mean hanging on to me crying, doing the growl and when I stooped to the all time low of calling Santa to tell him about this ”unacceptable behaviour” he was having, I got the dreaded stare accompanied by the terrible growling noise, it was like he was releasing his inner beast! After a chat with Santa, and the threat I’d call him back if the growl didn’t stop, he just collapsed in tears, then of course I was left feeling guilty! I proceeded to go out, but felt bad the whole time. My mini man can be a naughty elf, but he is also the love of my life, he seems to go from little beast to the sweetest little thing telling me how much he loves me and giving me the sweetest cuddles and kisses. What’s a mother to do?

I really hate being one of those parents that threatens that my children will end up on the naughty list, and my kids are pretty good really, but at this time of year it just seems the easiest way to get them to behave.

“Eat your vegetables, or the elves might tell Santa you are not being a good boy.”

“Make your bed.”

“Pick up your toys.”

“Share with your siblings.”

“Stop coming out of your bed.”

In 4 sleeps I can no longer use this excuse, and so then I just hope all the toys they receive will keep them so amused and happy that they will behave for the rest of the holidays. Well I can dream anyway!

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx

For more Christmasy reads try Dear Santa, The truth about Santa, or The Christmas Truce.

For an awesome mum read you will enjoy Rock Star, who me?

Adam just came in to snuggle with me as I was finishing this blog, I asked him if he’s my naughty little elf, “oh no,” he replied, “I am your good little elf!” Awe he is too cute! 


 Model : Adam (ELF) Glanville