You are unique, it is pretty amazing to think that there is no one like you in the world. It is our unique characteristics and personalities that guide our experiences throughout our lives and we all have our own purpose for being here. It is by appreciating our individuality and nurturing ourselves that we can reach our potential and be the best versions of who we are meant to be.

There is more to it than that however, yes we are individuals and yes there is no one else like us, yet I don’t believe we are meant to go through our lives like a lone wolf. We all need our tribe. Over coffee and chocolate this afternoon with a group of friends we got chatting about our star signs and our daughters star signs. We were agreeing that much of what our star signs say align with each of our personality types, however we also agreed that many of each others star signs can be found as part of each of our personalities.

These qualities we were talking about that we all have in common is what draws us together as friends. Regardless of our star signs, where, or how we grew up, different cultural backgrounds, and even different ages we have more in common than our daughters. When it comes to the core of who we are, we all share common values, morals and beliefs about how we want our children to be raised and this is what brings us together. Our daughters have bonded, but as mums we have bonded just as much. We love each others children, and we love each other. We trust each other and as a mum, or as a parent, trusting your child to be cared for when they have sleepovers and playdates with other families is the biggest thing we can do. Our children are what is most precious to us in the world, and I know when my daughter is with these women that she is being loved and cared for. I have found my tribe, just as my child has found hers.

Finding your tribe is the most wonderful thing, and in our lives we can have many tribes, we are not meant to do this life or parenting thing alone. Parenting is hard, it is scary, confusing, emotional, wonderful and exhausting, we need others to share our journey with. The best way to find your tribe is to be your true self. It is to care enough for yourself to know you deserve to be loved and understood, and you deserve to be supported.

Some of us find it easy to open up, others take time, but by being your authentic self you will attract like minded people into your life. Don’t waste time with toxic, or fake people they will only waste your time and let you down. Know that you deserve true friendships, and people who accept you for all that you are. If you haven’t yet found that tribe then you may have to spend some time working on accepting yourself and putting yourself a little out of your comfort zone, but ultimately let your true personality shine though. There is no need to put on an act, or try to fit in with people, accept who you are, open yourself to others and new experiences and be less judgemental of yourself and others. It is fine to have alone times and relish in that, but finding your tribe, or that one specail friend who really gets you will help you get through the hard moments and celebrate the happy moments with more joy!

Have you found your tribe? Any advice for others? Share your experiences in the comments if you wish.

Mac xx