It’s been a busy week. I almost wonder though, when it’s not a busy week? I felt more relaxed over the school holidays, we managed some sleep ins and some lazy days, but even that break wasn’t long enough. You know how some weeks you just really wish you were on a tropical island somewhere with a great book? 

Quite often I feel like the days are not long enough, and I feel quite overwhelmed with all the things on my ‘to do’ list. Today I feel like ignoring the washing, the ironing, and well just about everything else, but it all sits there waiting for my return. Taunting me “I’m waiting for you Mac”!!!!!! Seriously I hear it . . .

Yup it’s official, I am going mad.

I am just craving a little “Me Time“. So today, being Wellness Wednesday I have decided to remind myself, and you my lovely readers of how important it is to listen to our bodies, our exhausted bodies and take some time to nurture our minds and souls.

  1.  smile
  2. do a bunch of silly faces at yourself in the mirror (yes you can do it)!
  3. dance, crank up a favourite tune and move your body
  4. take a walk, or a run outside, even 10 minutes will refresh you
  5. put some cream on your arms and legs
  6. drink a big glass of water
  7. mediate (read this to show you how)
  8. say a positive affirmation (“I am strong, I am beautiful, I am peaceful, I am full of hope”) Repeat aloud 3 times.
  9. send a beautiful message to a friend or relative
  10. read at least one of these posts by Mac Glanville

Remember we all have days where it seems to hard or too much, but we can affect our mood by adjusting our attitude. We have amazing power over our mood. By simply smiling we can begin to turn our day around and affect others around us in a positive way. 

If you are having a hard day try some of the suggestions above and you will see how much power you truly have over your mood.

Thanks for joining me, stay well, love Mackenzie xx






Wellness Wednesday

Linked up with the gorgeous Maureen and Rina for Wellness Wednesday

And linked up with the fabulous List! Find out more here.
