Leading up to the settlement was, well let’s just say not the smoothest of sailing. It taught me a lesson in patience, but it also taught me another lesson, and that is sometimes we need to be a little more proactive. With this build there were a lot of parties involved and sometimes the more people involved the more disorganised things can be, especially when everyone isn’t communicating as they should have been. I received many calls from my solicitor saying that different people weren’t getting back to her and blah, blah etc. Which left me chasing people up and doing other people’s jobs for them. My girlfriend told me I am apparently “just too nice”, and after she said it I realised that maybe I was being a bit too nice, or maybe a more appropriate word was I was being a “doormat” and letting people walk all over me. So with my trusty friend in my ear, and by my side (I dragged her along for moral support) we finally got everyone talking and moving and success!!! We got the keys and we are in our new home! 

We got the keys a week ago and I decided to take the week off blogging as there has just been so much to do, and I have been so tired. The kids have needed extra cuddles and attention too, and we also had our anniversary to celebrate. My hubby made me feel very special, as did my son who gave me a lovely foot massage he’s a cutie, (see the pic of my little man on Instagram).


There are still some untouched boxes, some I have peeked in and placed in my “too hard pile” for now. Downsizing sure makes you assess what is important! 

Overall though it is coming together and beginning to feel a little more like home. Tomorrow is mother’s day here and I am thrilled to be in our new home to celebrate and get breakfast in bed in my own bedroom!


The kids rooms are also starting to look really great and Aspen is thrilled to have a more grown up room. My favourite thing so far though has been the ease of friends dropping in for coffee and school being only a couple of minutes away instead of 40! 

Anyway I just wanted to touch base with all of my lovely readers and let you know why I have been offline. I hope everyone has been well and happy!! I also want to thank you all who have commented on my post about body image “we are so lucky to have shape” recently, it is great to see such an awesome response to an issue that I think really affects both girls and women so much, and even men too. 

Thanks for joining me, love Mac xx


Follow me on Instagram @macglanville