There is so much advice, and expert opinion in the world on how to act, how we should raise our children, what we should eat, what to put on our skin, who we should vote for, I mean you understand what I am saying because you are also being told this and that, you get it, I don’t need to keep giving examples! Sometimes it makes me just want to scream, sometimes it makes me want to hide under my blankets, sometimes it makes me want to cry, but mostly it makes me want to stand up and say that’s Enough!

Advice can be helpful, expert opinions can be important, but who is the expert? What do we believe when we hear one expert opinion that is opposed to another so called expert opinion? I’ve read that eating meat is good for people with cancer and I’ve read that eating meat is one of the things contributing to people developing cancer???? My brother has cancer right now and is going through the absolute hell of chemotherapy and his doctor told him eat like normal, yet my uncle who is about to start chemo was told no Carbohydrates, confusing much? My father in law was told in 2002 he would not survive more than ten years with his cancer, he got heavily into natural healing, healthy food consumption, mindfulness and vitamins and he is still living, he spent last year with his wife travelling Australia and now they are planning on moving to Victoria. My guess is life is just unpredictable and unknown and even the experts don’t always get things right.

So where does that leave us, who do we trust, or believe? Some of us have faith in higher powers, and some us trust our gut, others just go with the flow, I don’t know what the right answer is.

It can be so exhausting trying to live in a world where we are being played like puppets, where we are forced to question those very people who we are told to trust. I tried for so long to live up to what I believed the world wanted from me, I listened to others, I went against my own thoughts in order to please others, well there really is no guessing why I became an anxious mess who hated myself is there?

It makes complete sense that when we try to deny who we are it will exhaust us, or even make us ill.

We are all in a state of constant growth and change, and personally I think only we can really know what is right for us, but we are so full of outside voices and influences that we sometimes can not even connect to our own souls, or hear what our inner voice is screaming out to us.

I am not going to pretend I have the answers, I don’t write this blog to give anyone expert advice on managing their lives, or how to parent, or tell them to meditate. I write as a personal outlet and hope that somethings resonate with you, or even inspire you to make positive changes for yourself. I share my story to let you know you are not alone in finding this world confusing, challenging, heartbreaking, beautiful, chaotic and inspiring. If you find some things I write about speak to your soul then that is wonderful, if you read something and say to yourself “I don’t agree with that”, then that is wonderful too, it means you are listening to your inner voice and working out what you need and don’t need in your life!

There have been many times where my inner voice has been slapping me in the face and shaking me by the shoulders before I have noticed, I find though when I just stop trying to please everyone else and actually step by and allow myself to be guided by my intuition, I know what it is I need in order to live more authentically. It is in those moments where I allow myself to listen that I see the answers so clearly. It isn’t easy when we are so busy rushing from A to B to Z and back again, but if you can find some time for yourself to reflect, to listen to your body and just take a few deep breaths you may find your own personal answers.

If the noise, the opinions and the outside voices are all getting too much don’t feel bad telling them to shut up, it is time to listen to you.

If you want to comment please do so, everyones voice matters. Feel free to pop over to Instagram too and say hi @reflectionsfromme, or if you are interested in following my other account more directly related to my new (but very old) home you can follow me @littlesquares_littleoldhome, thank you for reading.

Love, Kylie xx

Featured Image by Mike Chai via Pexels