Everyone has ‘those days‘ where they feel like things are just too much! Days where little frustrations feel like big ones, and things that normally you would not let bother you become the thing that tips you over the edge! Everyone has those days, you are not alone.

Sometimes realising you are not alone is the first step to making yourself feel a little better, knowing that you are ‘normal’, that there is nothing wrong that can’t be helped by reaching out to others or opening up to someone who is willing to really listen.

It is easy to get lost in the fog, to feel like everyone else seems to be so happy, and feel like everyone but you has the success and happiness that you don’t. They don’t, trust me, you can’t look at Facebook and Instagram and think how perfect everyone’s life seems, social media can be as fake as a shampoo commercial where not only if you use the shampoo does your hair look fabulous, but you also gain a fabulous looking man, and manage to stop traffic! Even my own Instagram account is full of pretty pictures, and yes they are all real, but that are snapshots of happy moments and pretty things I see. I posted pics on Instagram last week saying I was sick, but I didn’t post how crappy I looked, or the pile of dirty laundry I had to get through! That’s just because I like pretty images on my Instagram feed, but it is not my reality 24/7. And it is not any one else either!


Take celebrities for example, how often do you see these gorgeous pics of them out and about with their beautiful partners and children and the find out 2 weeks later they are getting a divorce? People put on a ‘public face‘, even the parents you see at school drop off who are dressed immaculately and are smiling, you think their lives are perfect, but you don’t see them at home when they are hanging out in their PJ pants, or yelling at their partner for not listening, or forgetting to do the laundry.

When we see someone we tend to ask “how are you?” And the automatic response is “good thanks”. We say that because it is expected and it is polite, and also because we don’t have the inclination to tell everyone we see casually that we are actually feeling really crappy that day because . . . . . !

But if you are really feeling down, if you are really having a string of bad days you need to find that ‘someone‘ who you can be honest with. (Or like me start a blog and moan to everyone). I am serious though, you can not carry around your pain and not have someone, or a few people that you can really be honest with. Whether it is a partner, a best friend, a priest, a psychologist, a group of friends, a parent, aunt or cousin. You need to be able to talk about what is bothering you, don’t let it build up.


I used to keep things all to myself, I thought I was weak to talk about things I was facing. I also thought I had to protect everyone around me. So I put on a brave face, smiled and went about my day like I was as happy as can be. Underneath I was falling apart, I was carrying a painful secret and it was at a point where I was suffering bad nightmares because I was keeping all my pain locked away. I thought it was so much more important to make everyone else happy that it didn’t matter what I was going through. The truth is though, people who care about us want to be there for us. To them helping us through our pain, or our bad days is not a burden, it is a sign that we trust them, and that they mean the world to us.

Sharing your story you will also find that so many people relate, they ‘get it‘, because as horrible as we feel we are not the only ones who have felt this way. If things are getting on top of you, if you are lost in the fog then you need to share it. Find someone you can talk to and tell them what you are going through. If you feel you can not talk to a friend, then talk to your doctor and get a referral to someone who can help you. But don’t underestimate your friends they are likely to understand and even relate to what you are going through.

Here are a few tips that may help.

  • talk to a friend
  • don’t be afraid to open up and tell your truth
  • write it down. Writing how you feel can help get things clearer in your mind, don’t hold back just write as much as you need to, no one needs to see it, so don’t worry about spelling or making mistakes, just write from the heart
  • start going on walks, it really helps settle your mind
  • allow yourself permission to have a bad day
  • if you feel really down go and be with a friend or family member, don’t suffer alone
  • drink more water it helps flush out bad toxins and will help you feel better and think clearer
  • spend time with animals
  • exercise, even if it’s the last thing you feel like, it will help
  • eat a healthy meal
  • spend time in the garden, notice the birds, feel the breeze, see the beauty in life

I hope that this has helped, if you are worried about a friend or family member encourage them to be open with you and really listen. Don’t dismiss their feelings as silly, really hear what they are saying.

If you are worried about yourself, please reach out and talk to someone.

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx


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