
If you could erase one person from your past would you? It’s the kind of questions that immediately provokes a strong response in me, and I am guessing I am not alone? It is a really difficult question isn’t it? I mean when I see this question I immediately jump to the one person I would want to erase, without question this particular person comes to the forefront of my mind. My life would be completely different if this person had never entered my life, but here in lies the dilemma . . .  If this person was erased wouldn’t that completely change the course of my life? And what if erasing this person from my past meant changing all the great things that happened in my past and all the beautiful people I have in my life now?


There is no doubt that this person was a horrible person by anyones standards, but to erase them would mean to change the person I am today, a stronger, more independent and appreciative person, and I like who I am! If erasing this person means that I would change who I am now and change my path then I simply could not do that. To be where I am today, to have my amazing husband, my 3 adorable children, my friends I couldn’t risk erasing someone no matter how horrible they were if it jeopardised the life I lead now. I learnt many of my life lessons the hard way, but I have grown into who I am because of these lessons. If I could erase this person and it changed nothing in terms of being where I am today then YES I would, but I know that is impossible. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t go through what I went through to get here. 


I have to trust that people come into your life for a reason, they teach you things and those things are not always wonderful. But I learnt that I had a choice, I could be a victim or I could take back my power and become a stronger person, that I could learn from my pain and even help others to deal with theirs.

Click to Tweet: I could be a victim or I could take back my power and become a stronger person

It is nice to fantasise about a life without cruel, horrible people and imagine that I could go back to the past and stop that person from hurting me, but it isn’t going to happen. So I choose to concentrate on my now and my future and let go of fear, pain and hate and let love and light into my heart. I choose to learn from my past, to embrace happiness , to live the life I have and find joy in every day.

Click to Tweet: I choose to learn from my past, to embrace happiness , to live the life I have and find joy in every day.

What about you? Would you erase anyone if you could?

Thanks for doing me, love Mackenzie xx


Why not link up with #Fridayreflections? 

 Here is this weeks prompts, hope you can join us 

When life gets really tough, what advice picks you up?

If you could erase one person from your past, would you?

Reflect on a beautiful image. It could be a drawing, painting, photograph – your own or someone else’s. Tell us why it moves you.

Reflect on the following quote: ‘Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing.’ Pele

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