

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself -Coco Chanel 

Last week I decided to publish my first Video Blog on this website, it wasn’t easy for me to do. I felt self conscious about how I would look, sound and just how I would come across in general. It is funny how when you push yourself out of your comfort zone you can become so self conscious. A year ago sharing anything on this blog made me self conscious, exposing my inner most thoughts wasn’t something I was sure I could do. I was very much in my comfort zone of staying behind the scenes and not sharing myself with the world. The problem with the ‘comfort zone’ is it can become so restricting, it can stifle who you really are and hold you back from reaching you full potential. I had a great life, but the truth was I wasn’t fully happy in my own skin. It wasn’t about not liking the way I looked, it was about not liking the way I was treating myself. I was holding myself back from what I was really passionate about, and holding myself back from really being happy. How could I feel truly happy or beautiful when I wasn’t being my true self?

Now I am not going to pretend that following your dreams is always easy, it takes commitment, perseverance, and courage. It means taking a chance and telling that little  inner voice that says ‘you can’t’ to be quiet because ‘you can’! Believing in yourself doesn’t always come naturally, but it does get easier the more you prove to yourself that you are capable of whatever you set you mind to. Like I said a year ago I was afraid to write and publish my first blog post, when I hit publish on this post I will have published and shared 200 posts on this website! Sharing my thoughts with all of you still makes me a little nervous at times, but it also makes me so happy! I especially love when I receive comments knowing someone has related to, or enjoyed a post I have written. When I published Motherhood Slapped me in the Face  last week so many of you related to this post and I was so honoured to receive your comments and so relieved to know I wasn’t alone in my thoughts on the type of mother I am.

So yes publishing my first video blog made me nervous and threw me right out of my safe little world, but it was lovely to receive some comments on Facebook telling me to share more. Who knows maybe in another year I will be saying I feel comfortable on camera (we’ll see . . . . baby steps). And that’s OK, baby steps are fine. As long as you are making steps forward you should feel good about who you are and where you are going. The more you embrace who you are and allow your true self to shine the more beautiful you will be. Beauty really does radiate from the inside, it shines through all you do. It is that sparkle in your eyes, the smile on your face, the confidence in what you do, so be true to your passions and decide to be you!

Click to Tweet: be true to your passions and decide to be you!

So remember this quote, write it on a piece of paper and place it next to your bed or attach it to your bathroom mirror, read it aloud and remind yourself that beauty begins within you and radiates out, give yourself permission to shine!

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx

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This quote has been linked up with Candidcuddles quote linky. Imagine my surprise I just went to link this post up and saw my last weeks quote was voted as the favourite quote from last week! Thank you Cuddle Fairy you made my day! Here is last weeks quote for those of you that missed it.

Cuddle Fairy
Also linked with the Best and Worst LInky with the lovely blog
Run Jump Scrap!