It’s been a little while since I have been here, my little reflective space and a place where I can indulge in my passion for writing. I have often thought over the last couple of weeks of writing, I wanted to at the very least let everyone know that I will no longer be running the link up a blogging good time. I did pop notifications on Twitter and tried to personally tweet as many people as I could, but I did want to let you also know on my blog about the change.

There is so much to running a link up that goes (almost unseen), and with a lot going on in my personal life I just felt I couldn’t put the energy in that running the link up required. To everyone who supported the link up a send a big thank you, I was always so humbled by how many of you joined in and shared your hard work and thoughts with me.

I think more than anything I needed to strip back my blog, life can be so complicated, busy, and we seem to pile more and more on. I was beginning to feel the pressure, and when you live with anxiety you have to listen carefully to what your inner voice is trying so hard to tell you. It is true for everyone though isn’t it! We all need to strip back the excess in order to hear our inner voice and keep ourselves healthy.

Sometimes when we are so busy we miss those signs, it is way too easy to miss them and suddenly we find ourselves treading water, desperately trying to stay afloat and wondering how we let things get so out of our control? It’s life, we can’t control it all, life isn’t going to unfold exactly how we want, we have to expect hiccups, twists, turns and even the odd thunderstorm, and then count our blessings when we unexpectedly encounter a magical door to open, or a rainbow that shows up right when we need it to. We have to surrender to life, but it helps when we allow ourselves to slow down and actually look at the bigger picture.

Slow living, mindful living, they are not just ‘trend‘ words, it’s not about the words at all, it is about the philosophy, it is about the meaning behind the words and the desperate need for us to occasionally shut off all the news, social media and advertisements that are filling our minds with the misconception that we need to be doing more, being more, and have more and more meaningless possessions in order to be ‘happy‘!

The last couple of weeks have been an opportunity for me to strip back, to reflect and reassess. I have been able to focus more on my family, on our needs and also on my own personal needs. We all need this time, I hope that you get some time in your own to reflect and think about what your needs are. Remember that even if you feel you don’t have time, find it somewhere, spend 20 minutes less on Instagram, or Facebook and instead take that time to journal, and dream, allow yourself the time to make YOU a priority.

Thanks for reading, love, Kylie

Main Featured Image from pexels by Julia Kuzenkov